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Health and Fitness Supplements

July 30, 2013

When it comes to getting fit many people struggle. Staying healthy and in shape takes a lot of effort and hard work. It is much easier to become overweight by eating food that is not good for you and avoiding exercise.

Our sedentary lifestyle has led us to become a country that is full of people that are overweight and obese. Many people are looking for the easiest way possible to lose weight and this is the reason that weight loss supplements are so popular. With so many possibilities out there it is difficult to know which ones work and which ones do not. Here are three health and fitness supplements that you may want to consider.

Raspberry Ketone

Raspberry ketone is found in red raspberries and is said to help promote weight loss. The recommended dosage is 200 mg per day. It is said to increase metabolism, which can aid in weight loss.

Green Coffee Extract

Green coffee extract is made from the coffee bean before it is roasted. This extract contains chlorogenic acid. There have been many studies conducted that show that chlorogenic acid can be beneficial for diabetes, heart disease, and helping with weight loss.

Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia comes from a fruit that is found in the southern part of Africa. The fruit is full of antioxidants which can help flush your body of harmful toxins. This particular supplement is known for being both an appetite suppressant and a fat burner. It also has been around for much longer than the other two supplements which are relatively new. There has been an increase in interest recently as it was featured on a popular television show.

These are just three of the health and fitness supplements that are available. Each has its own unique qualities and benefits.

From → Weight Loss

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